Temple Beth-El

san antonio, Texas, USA

Areas of Inclusion: Religious School

About the Congregation

Temple Beth-El

211 Belknap place

san antonio, TX 78212

Number of Congregants: 971

Contact Information

Julie Berlin

Inclusion Programming

Does this congregation have an inclusion committee?


Developing Our Program

Rabbi Barry Block

Number of people involved in the effort: 49

Involving People with Disabilities

They were not

Funding This Effort

At the start, friends of the Temple President, donated the money for our Inclusion Specialist's salary. Now it is part of the Religious School budget.

Helpful Agencies & Organizations

We did not work with other agencies.

Spreading Awareness About Our Work

We publicize the fact that our Religious School has an Inclusion Specialist in all of our RS publicity and materials.

Process & Sharing

History, Materials & Processes that Guided Our Approach

We have a few more forms that might be helpful but this application only allows for 4.

Evidence of Successful Inclusion Efforts

We had a Bar Mitzvah student last year, David, who has autism. He has been a part of our Religious School for a number of years and his needs have presented some challenges to the usual classroom structure. However, we worked with his parents to allow him to participate in the classroom. Additionally, we assigned a madrich to him so that when he needed to leave the class or walk around he could do so. His parents remarked in their speech at his bar mitzvah how much our efforts have helped him to succeed and be a part of the Temple community.

Evidence of Changing Attitudes

There is no longer a stigma about the pull-out class and more parents are willing to have their child be a part of it.

How We're Using and Sharing the Disabilities Inclusion Learning Center

Our Director of Congregational Learning, Leah Apothaker, shares Professional Development training sessions with our teachers four times per year.

Future Inclusion Efforts

We continue to strive to meet the needs of all of our students so that each one feels a part of our Temple and Religious School community. Leah and others attend an annual seminar at the Winston School ( a secular school for children with assorted learning challenges) to continue to learn new ways to help our own students.

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