Making a B’nai Mitzvah Shidduch: Matching the Service to the Learner Quiz You have not taken this lesson's quiz yet A potential problem with a Shabbat morning service for a person with a disability is: [1] Length of the service Some synagogues don’t permit electricity on Shabbat (so certain equipment may not be permissible on Shabbat) Behavioral expectations may be “greater” in a more formal service All of the above All of the following are reasonable accommodations for in Shul bar mitzvah service of a child with disability EXCEPT: [1] Using an augmented communication device for delivering the d’var torah Coming up on the bima early in the service so it won’t take 20 minutes to get up on the bima Serving only potato chips for Kiddush since that is all the bar mitzvah boy eats Using a transliterated sheet for Torah reading The minimum requirement for celebrating bar/bat mitzvah is: [1] Reading at least 5 lines of the haftarah Leading the Shema Turning 13 Reading 1 aliyah from the torah What is the best way to measure success in assessing the bar mitzvah of a child with a disability (or ANY bar/bat mitzvah student): [1] Number of people in attendance at the service Process was smooth and calm Length and quality of d’var torah (and delivery) Number of aliyahs read