Integrating Adults with Disabilities Quiz You have not taken this lesson's quiz yet Adults with all levels of disability can be included, become active participants in synagogue life, and have their spiritual needs met. What following steps have been described in this webinar in order to best achieve this? [1] Making the synagogue building accessible, allowing for full participation in regular services, enabling those with disabilities to celebrate life cycle events Identifying and reaching out to clients, providing transportation, making the synagogue building accessible, allowing for full and active participation in synagogue services, enabling those with disabilities to celebrate and be celebrants in life cycle events, making visits to facilities, encouraging participation in social events, tending to end of life issues Providing transportation, providing a separate service for those with disabilities, enabling those with disabilities to celebrate and be celebrants in life cycle events, tend to end of life issues Adults with disabilities are often viewed as objects of pity, or as unfortunate recipients of synagogue largesse. After reaching out to those with disabilities, providing transportation, making the synagogue building accessible, in what ways can congregations enable and empower these individuals to become active participants in the synagogue? [1] Ask the differently abled to pay some form of synagogues dues Find a particular task or part of the worship service which the “differently abled” person can perform Enable the differently abled individual to celebrate with the community, or be a celebrant of life cycle events All of the above Full inclusion of adults with disabilities is usually realized as a result of the efforts of what and whom? [1] The synagogue Board and rabbi Rabbi, staff, a few devoted lay people, and a “culture of inclusion.” The full membership, synagogue Board, and rabbi Special congregational committee for inclusion of those with disabilities, synagogue Board Several areas of inclusion of those with disabilities not always considered by congregations are: [1] Providing big print prayer books, amplification of sound for the hearing impaired, making funeral arrangements and tending to end of life issues, highlighting in bulletins, newsletters, and on the website efforts made by the congregation to include those with disabilities, and even providing straws for drinking Making funeral arrangements, providing large print prayer books, providing opportunities to participate in social events, even providing straws for drinking Employing those with disabilities, providing big print prayer books, amplification of sound for the hearing impaired, making funeral arrangements and tending to end of life issues, providing opportunities to participate in social and educational events, highlighting in bulletins, newsletters, and website efforts made by the synagogue to include those with disabilities, even providing straws for drinking