Disability Wisdom: Teaching Inclusion and Empowerment of People with Disabilities Quiz You have not taken this lesson's quiz yet According to the wise principles outlined in the webinar, lessons about disability should be taught by: [1] Relatives of people with disabilities. Medical professionals. People with disabilities. Professors with advanced degrees in disability studies. In a research study described in the webinar, college students who wore blindfolds rated blind people afterward as ___ than those who did not wear blindfolds. [1] More independent Smarter Less capable Friendlier Which could be considered a “wise” disability learning activity? [1] Having students play adapted sports alongside people with disabilities. Having students eat a meal together while simulating disabilities. Having students attempt to converse while wearing earplugs. Having students alternate between being blindfolded and guiding a blindfolded student. Which is not considered part of a wise disability curriculum? [1] Treating people with disabilities like ordinary people. Walking in the shoes of someone with a disability. Acknowledging full humanity. Treating people with disabilities as experts on their own needs.