Within any synagogue community, it’s common to find many sub-communities. Throughout the year, the entire community gathers together for holidays, celebrations, and the like, but it’s equally common to find sub-communities meeting alone for sisterhood game nights, men’s club guest speakers, youth group outings, adult education classes, and so on. Jewish communities have fallen into […]
Archive | URJ Inclusion blog posts
5 Lessons from Camp for an Accessible, Inclusive Purim Carnival
02/14/2017Purim is often celebrated by dressing up as the brave and honest characters from the Megillah, who stood up for their peoplehood. Purim is also a wonderful opportunity to affirm our commitment to community. In keeping with the URJ’s core value of Audacious Hospitality, Camp Harlam is proud to call itself an inclusive camp, welcoming campers […]
A Change Would Do You Good: How URJ Camp Harlam is Leading the Way in Camper Inclusion
02/14/2019I didn’t read Leading Change by business guru and Harvard professor John Kotter until after I’d already tried, countless times, to initiate and manage institutional change. Bumping into the walls of change management (such as failing to create a sense of urgency or declaring victory too soon) was my way of learning by doing, and despite the […]
Addressing Our Teens’ Mental Health Needs
04/18/2016Adolescence is one of the most change-filled periods of life, a time that’s both turbulent and exciting. During this confusing period, teens may find that previously cherished relationships – including those with parents, old friends, and congregations – now feel confining or suffocating, even though such connections can provide stability and support. Sometimes, they can […]
Comedy, Disability, and the Inclusive Synagogue: An ELI Talk
08/06/2015Pam Schuller is my hero. She’s not just my hero because she’s one of the outstanding Reform Jewish youth professionals who works day and night to connect with so many of teens and congregations in NFTY’s Garden Empire Region (which includes central and northern New Jersey and New York’s Rockland and Orange counties). She’s not just my […]