Recognizing and Accommodating Special Needs in the Early Childhood Classroom Quiz You have not taken this lesson's quiz yet In order to stop a challenging behavior from happening, a teacher must: [1] Work to understand the function behind the behavior Provide a consequence for the challenging behavior Remove the child from the situation Tell the child’s parents that the behavior is unacceptable Jewish early childhood educators are in a unique position because: [1] They can be the difference between a positive and negative experience in the Jewish community They have the opportunity to teach parents how to discipline their children They only see the children for a few hours at a time They can begin to teach children Hebrew in a classroom setting Students exhibiting challenging behavior in the early childhood classroom: [1] Probably have a sensory processing disorder Cannot be diagnosed by a teacher, but can be described by a teacher while allowing a parent to describe what they see in other settings Probably have a receptive or expressing language disorder Probably are the result of lack of structure at home Students might misbehave because: [1] They are unaware of expectations in the classroom It feels good (sensory) They have a fear of failure All of the above