Exemplar Congregations
While full inclusion in every area of congregational life is a wonderful and attainable goal, no congregation is all the way there yet. The following “Exemplar Congregations” have excelled in one or more areas of inclusion. Each congregation has agreed to serve as a mentor to other congregational professionals in specific areas of inclusion. A contact person is listed within each congregational page.
Adults in Communal Life
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Rodef Sholom
San Rafael, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple House of Israel
Staunton, Virginia
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Advocacy & Community Partnerships
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodef Sholom
San Rafael, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple House of Israel
Staunton, Virginia
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Architectural & Physical Accommodations and Transportation
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Beachwood, Ohio
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple House of Israel
Staunton, Virginia
Temple Isaiah
Lexington, Massachusetts
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Saint Louis, Missouri
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Beachwood, Ohio
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
B’nai Mitzvah
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Saint Louis, Missouri
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Beachwood, Ohio
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Beachwood, Ohio
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple House of Israel
Staunton, Virginia
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Early Childhood Education
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
General Inclusion
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Beachwood, Ohio
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Isaiah
Lexington, Massachusetts
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Mental Health
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodef Sholom
San Rafael, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Saint Louis, Missouri
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Isaiah
Lexington, Massachusetts
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Parents of Children with Disabilities
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Religious School
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Saint Louis, Missouri
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, California
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Kol Ami Elkins Park
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Beachwood, Ohio
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Beth-El
san antonio, Texas
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple Isaiah
Lexington, Massachusetts
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, Maryland
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Beth El Congregation
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, Virginia
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, Illinois
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, Colorado
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Sha’aray Shalom
Hingham, Massachusetts
Holy Blossom Temple
Toronto, Ontario
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, Minnesota
Old York Road Temple – Beth Am
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, New York
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, Illinois
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
Westmount, Quebec
Temple House of Israel
Staunton, Virginia
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, California
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, Virginia
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sholom in Broomall
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai
Oakland, California
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Temple Sinai (Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Temple
Atlanta, Georgia
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, Louisiana
Youth Group, High School, and College Programming
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, California
Congregation Kol Ami
White Plains, New York
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, California
Congregation Rodef Sholom
San Rafael, California
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, New York
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot
Irvine, California
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Temple Beth Shalom
Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, New Jersey
Temple Isaiah
Lexington, Massachusetts
Temple Israel
Boston, Massachusetts
Temple Shalom
Newton, Massachusetts
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, New Jersey
Temple Sinai
Atlanta, Georgia
Temple Sinai (Boston)
Sharon, Massachusetts
Westchester Reform Temple
Scarsdale, New York